A karma story from my life!!

Sandeep Sharma
2 min readAug 10, 2021

One night, while partying with friends, totally hammered, I threw empty whiskey and beer bottles from 4th floor, down on the road in front of my building. I don’t remember exactly but there were definitely more than 10 bottles, as that used to be our lower limit for drinking.

No body got hurt. There were no repercussions for us. Next morning cleaning workers came and cleaned up the mess.


Same city, but now I had a different residence — better apartment, better society. It was a 3-BHK.

One night, I had lot of people at my place for a house party, and of course drinks were being gulped down. Somebody got really drunk and high spirits got the better of him. He went to his room, and from the window, threw down an empty bottle on the society’s road. I did not have anything to do with this person. Sparing the WHY, he was just drinking by himself and was just having his own one-man party.


Security guards did what they had to. Society’s General Secretary was called. It was a scene to be seen. That night slowly got dragged to dawn. Since, it was a weekend, a lot of families gathered, calling us all sort of things. Shit escalated quicker than guys has orgasms and before we knew, there was a fucking mob in front of us drunks.

Society guys called us out for manners, responsibility, drinking-timings, number of shoes we had, and everything thing under the sun that came to their minds. And eventually, again sparring lot of details, a decision was made, that I and that one-man party guy had to vacate the flat for good. I was literally home-less for like half an hour and felt like I am lost in an unknown city. It was a lonely feeling.

It was a very sad time for me. That feeling lasted for a very short time though.

I never thought about these two distinct events ever in the same context because the setting was different and emotions were different each time. And they happened almost an year apart.

But today I am seeing it to be a KARMA-ic event. First time, I did a shitty thing and faced no repercussions . Second time, somebody else did same shitty thing and I had to bear the KARMA.



Sandeep Sharma

Aspiration to write a book brought me here to help me start crawling by writing some small pieces, maybe!!